Friday, January 2, 2009

252:365 Frosty

Anna: I hope that everyone had a great time celebrating New Year's. We decided to stay home this year. None of us were up to freezing our heinies off again this year. We did discover we could still see the fireworks pretty good from our balcony. We didn't get pictures, though. The sliding door was frozen shut.

On a down side, I broke a tooth - while eating a piece of bread, of all things! Split it right in half, lengthwise. Thank goodness it was one I'd had a root canal done in, years ago - though that's probably why it was weakened in the first place. Otherwise, I'd be in a lot of pain right now. As it is, I just can't eat on one side. Which is good, since I can't get into the dentist until monday afternoon.

The girls and I had some errands to run today, including some time downtown. This is what the pedway between the parkade and a mall looked like.

I didn't have my own camera with me - most of the time, I don't even carry my purse anymore. My younger daughter had her little Powershot A75, though, so I borrowed it for these pictures.

I loved the patterns in the frost.

I couldn't resist posting another one of these. (click on images to see full size) These are the current conditions and the 5 day forcast.

Note the temperature right now.

Note the forcast for Monday.

Yup, we're expected to be going from temperatures in the -30C range to above freezing.

Here's a look at the 24 hour conditions. We left home at about 10:30 am - right during the coldest part of the day! My WeatherEye icon on my task bar was flashing red for a severe weather warning because of the wind chill.

What's that joke again? You know you're a Canadian if you use the heater and the A/C in the same day? Something like that.



Ruth said...

That's a good saying. In Michigan we say if you don't like the weather, wait a minute.

Yikes about your tooth! I'm glad it doesn't hurt too bad, only two more days. I've had my issues with my front teeth too, have two caps after accidents.

Happy New Year, Anna!

Dirkus said...

The frost patterns are amazing! I love them.